Saturday, December 1, 2012

It has been an emotional week

First of all: SPOILERS

Once Upon A Time. S02E08
Everytime Hook is on screen I start repeated the phrase "I love you" until the end. I really can't tell which side he is on. By the way. THAT ENDING. This show, man, this show.
Let me tell you about this show. You hear about the general premise of fairy tale characters being sent to the real world. At first it sound stupid and childish and nothing will come of it. I have to admit you had to drag yourself through a few of the first couple episodes. But once you're in, YOU ARE IN. And you are awarded of joining because it gets good. There are plot twists that you will not see coming. There are characters that you will come to admire and love and want to succeed because all he really needs is a big hug and to just find that one person. I admit it could get overly cheesy and in your face about good morals and good/love triumphs all and all that crap. But the is equally, if not, just as in your face and absolutely addictive.

Vampire Diaries S02E07
Dear Diary,

I almost died to today. It must be Friday....

Anyways I wanted to do the right thing by everyone and once again got in everyone's way. I then felt guilty and made myself the victim by whining to Damon and Stephen. By whining I mean that I moved in with them since my brother is a mix of psychotic ring boy and psychotic vampire hunter. That was of course after every single of girlfriend and parental figure he has ever known have either died by the hands of evil or turned evil and then died, or in my case just got awesomer but also deader. I am so awesome and moral.

Anyways I have to go, Damon is telling me to do something outrageous and totally out of character for me. It must be love!

love, Elena

This show is making me hate all the characters I should love. But I can't stop. The Delena tension (and eruption) was really weird in this episode. It just didn't rub me the right way for some reason even though I've been waiting for this since Damon got on the show....EPISODE ONE. The only thing I'm genuinely LOVING is FKING KLAROLINE. I squealed and giggled and fan girled and oh my godddddddddddddddddddddddd. Please stay together forever. I kind of got annoyed when Caroline and Stephen think that there must be something weird and evil happening because Elena's in love with Damon. She showed all the signs before her change that she had feelings for him, why was this so left field for them? But that twist was pretty good. God, Damon can't catch a break. 

Glee S04E08
Yeah I'm a Gleek and I'm half proud half ashamed. It's a guilty pleasure that everyone knows I take part in. Anyways. This episode was so weird. When it began I got so excited by the return of the ex-glee members. I got 10 times more excited when we heard Mike sing properly for more than just two lines. The mash up was great because I love Home by Phillip Phillips and it blended so well with Homeward Bound (Simon & Garfunkel) I didn't undertand that Kiki scene? I was so alarmed and confused at what was happening. It was both weird and fabulous but mostly weird. The Klaine phonecall gave me the smilies. 
Quinnnnnn, I was hoping you'd be changed and successful but you just got worseeee. But I do miss the Unholy Trinity. Tina singing Gangnam Style gave a semi racist feel (wasn't it established she was Chinese?) but she also got a solo, so I didn't really care.
Kitty is psychotic. I don't understand people, especially people at a really young age, wanting to be mean to someone for such petty reasons and to go to such lengths that would cause someone else just physical harm. Marley could get some really serious health and mental problems from this. How does this not cross this girls mind? 

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