Thursday, December 27, 2012


Hey non-existent readers/viewers!

Sorry for the lack of posts. Guess things have been pretty busy with the holidays and whatnot. On that note, I hope you had a great Christmas or any other occasion you celebrate at this time of year.

I'll be starting up my posts again by January and actually have a few lined up because I am going to commit to this thing goddamnit! Next year will be more organised and consistent. I aim to finish at least two series by the end of next year so that I can jump start on other projects.

I'm also aiming to take up video editing as a hobby and other stuff. Especially since I got a shit ATAR and don't think I'll get my university crap together in time, so I'll have more time for non-productive but enjoyable things. I'll just live off my imagination and delusions. And my parents....

But seriously, I'm not giving up on this and so expect more (hopefully) interesting and enjoyable reviews, starting January 2013.

Until then,

Saturday, December 15, 2012

"For Good" Kristin Chenoweth & Anna Kendrick - Trevor Live 2012

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH-. You guys. OK I'm a musical geek for both broadway/stage shows and film and television. So when I just saw that Kristin Chenoweth AND Anna Kendrink were not only singing together but were singing  WICKED, I promptly lost my shit.

Throughout the performance I continued to whisper swear (my mum was watch TV behind me) and lightly  hit my head on my arm over and over again. I couldn't. I can't. And yeah. Big fan girl moment.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Doctor Who #9 S01E04 Aliens of London (Part I)

Woahhhhhhh. This was a really good episode. It was intense and funny and crazy and I was all over the place.

So Rose returns home with the Doctor and he tells her that 12 hours had passed in her time while they were traversing time and space. Rose wants to pop in and let her mother know she's alright before they go off again while the Doctor sees a missing person's flyer for Rose. How long was she actually gone for?

TWELVE MONTHS. That's a massive miscalculation there. So Rose's mother is of course furious and happy and frustrated at the same time. She wants to know where Rose has been and Rose tells her that she's been traveling. So she's telling the truth. But of course her mother doesn't believe her and starts going a bit nuts. 

So while Rose talks to the Doctor later about how she's the only one of Earth who knows about so much now, she jinxed it. A spaceship smashes the Big Ben and lands in the water. I had no idea where this episode was going. At the moment, while I understood her anger and frustrations, Rose's mum was irritating the hell out of me. I want her to know what was really going on so that everyone can be happy and fine. Her shrill voice is annoying.

Everyone starts watching the news coverage of the crash on the television and the Doctor gets fed up and wants to investigate, himself. Rose makes him promise not to leave her so he gives he a copy of the keys to the TARDIS to reassure her. You guys, this is the equivalent of a guy giving his serious girlfriend the keys to his apartment. It's freaking adorable and I'm loving it.

But thennnnnnnnnn, we get to the hospital where the body from the spaceship was being held. This whole scene just made me go crazy emotional. I was freaking out about what it might have looked like because of all the horrifying and other strange beings I've seen in previous episodes. And then it's the cutest yet terrifying yet...oaksdhfaiksjvakdsvniksdvn thing. IT'S A MINI PIG SPACEMAN WHO RUNS WITH HIS LITTLE HOOFS IN THE AIR. The noises and things I said when I saw him made my mum burst in the room with worry. Literally.

And then the pig spaceman was shot and my heart is broken. Especially when the Doctor tells us it was just a normal pig that was tampered with and it was scared out of it's mind. 

Meanwhile, Rose's old boyfriend see's the TARDIS disappear and goes to find Rose at her home. He was astoundingly loyal and dedicated to finding Rose for the past 12 months. He's been looking for her and wasn't able to move on. But then when he tells her about the Doctor disappearing, he turns into an irritating, bitter child when talking to Rose. Rose is upset that he's gone but when she sees her keys flashing and realises her mother was still with them, she panics.

At first I was SO happy that her mother finds out. I thought that meant that things would go on fine. Until she ran off without even an explanation and FUCKING CALLS THE GOVERNMENT IN HOPES OF GETTING THE DOCTOR KILLED. I understand she's trying to protect her daughter, but she acted rashly and without hearing anyone out or thinking about the facts. Ughhhhh

So the Doctor finds out that the spaceship came from space originally and as he was about to go, the government escorts him personally to where this whole alien situation was being handled. While all that domestic crap was happening up there, the Prime Minister was missing and by default, the position was given to some random guy who can't control his gas. AND THEN MUM FROM SHAUN OF THE DEAD FINDS EVERYTHING OUT. Three members of parliament are were blindingly blue glowing aliens who use human bodies as skin suits with zips on their foreheads.

As the Doctor gathers with all the other alien experts, he slowly figures out that the whole situation was a trap to get them all there. And then the Prime Minister and some other guy reveal their alien selves. This also happens in another room with Rose, Shaun of the Dead Mum and there's another one with Rose's mother. I actually don't understand what the aliens want or why but HOLY MOTHER OF CHEESE THEY ARE UGLY AND UNNERVING. Anything that blinks sideways is automatically on my list of worst things ever. 

And then to be continued. I really liked this episode. 

  • "900 years of time and space and I've never been slapped by someone's mother...IT HURT"
  • "Aliens and spaceships and things and I'm the only person on planet earth that knows they exit" -Spaceship crashes in broad daylight in front of all of London- "Oh that's just not fair..."
  • "Excuse me, do you mind not farting while I'm saving the world?"

Supernatural S01E04 Phantom Traveler

I didn't remember what this episode was about from the name but after the first two minutes I remembered.

The place episode. Confession: I love flying on planes. I love the take off, the little safety routine dance the attendants do, the crappy movies, the screens on seat in front of you, the little table that folds out of the chair, the little kid kits they give out with colouring stuff and I EVEN LIKE THE FOOD. Everything is miniature and fun and exciting. I actually would prefer turbulence to any roller-coaster any day.

The whole episode was a bit boring to be honest. The best parts were the brotherly bonding and Dean comic relief. I really don't want to review this because there wasn't really much for me to review. Also that thing at the end when they find out that their dad is giving their number out to strangers in need on a voicemail intro thing.

OH! There was that creepy fog that looks like it came from an episode of Lost. Or did Lost copy it? Which episode/series came first? Man this was a LONG time ago.
  • "Are you humming Metallica?" "It calms me down"
  • "...christo..." "Excuse me?" "Christo?"
  • Also:

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Lord of the Rings: Two Towers & Return of the King

After literally 12 hours of watching three Lord of the Rings movie straight, everything became a blur. Not to mention the heavy amount of junk food and soft drinks. So dot points it is, covering my jumbled and overwhelmed thoughts of the three films of The Lord of the Rings:

  • I really didn't like Frodo. I don't know why. I admit that's harsh considering he didn't exactly ask for all this to happen and has to carry this massive burden. But I just didn't find him likable.
  • Sam was an alright character. Applauding him for actually calling Golem out on his bullshit and saving and putting up with Frodo's crap. I mean, after Frodo pretty much banished him as a friend, he saved his ass from a giant spider and orcs and CARRIED HIM OF THE MOUNTAIN OF FIRE. Most loyal friend ever.
  • I believe that Legolas is really a butterfly whose only purpose in the film is serve as a plot device that would spell out, state and explain the obvious things that are happening. Everything he said was hilariously unnecessary. I also think that if the group was in the modern world, he'd be a hipster indie. He's got braids, fish plait and a love for the environment going. He's also the prettiest
  • Every female in this whole franchise is useless. Liz Tyler's character was the 'woe is me'/hopeless romantic; Cate Blanchett was just weird and no likey; Eowyn, well everytime she came on screen or said something my whole group of friends would boo her off because she was coming onto Aragon and that shit ain't allowed. 
  • Aragon is cool. 
  • Fight scenes were amazing but arduous
  • Cinematography was breathtaking
  • Can we just give Martin Scorese ALL THE AWARDS FOR HIS IMPECCABLE PERFORMANCE? Smeagol and Gollum were so unsettling and disturbing and horrifying yet hilarious and pitiful. Every moment was brilliant. Especially in the beginning of Return of King where we see his descent into darkness and madness. Just amazing
  • Smeagol, in my eyes, was a schizophrenic, bi-polar, psychotic 5 year old. 
  • Sadness and empathy for Faramir. Sibling rivalry and parental approval/acceptance/conflict seems to transcend every dimension/realm.
  • Boromir...Sean Bean....You lasted longer than I thought you would but for only one movie. 
  • Whyyyyyyyyyy does there have to be a giant spider? This one moved really realistically too. Ughh that thing is unnerving.
  • Woah and LOL at Saruman's death. 
  • Although I do admit Legolas and Gimli come pretty close with their competition to see who could kill the most in the war. Adorbz guyzzzz.
Ok right now I'm dead tired. Overall, it was great. I think I'm a bit brain dead and overwhelmed by the amount of drama I just sat through so I can't really process properly. I'm not a big, die-hard fan but I enjoyed it. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I watched them with proper breaks in between and if I didn't see ALL the extended footage. But I saw it with a huge bunch of my friends and it was a good day. Lord of the Rings....I give it 3 out of 5 overall.

My favourite out of the three was Fellowship of the Ring. My favourite character would either be Gandalf or Aragon. Prediction count:

  • The ring gets destroyed at the very end. It has to be right? That's the whole point of the whole franchise? Duh. 2/2
  • There's an evil force that want's the ring for evil purposes? Because they're evil? Lol. 3/3
These don't deserve points because they're bullshit predictions. But I'll give myself some anyways =)

Lord of The Rings: Fellowship of the Ring

  • There are so many bad decisions in this movie
  • The establishing scene of the Fellowship was uber cute
  • Letting Frodo choose which way to go? HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO GET THERE...and he chose the worst route ever
  • The magical jukebox scene was good. 
  • Sean Bean has the best scenes.
  • There are  heaps of references I'm storing away for the hobbit too
  • So glad I did this with friends
  • Lol at Gandalf escaping by riding on a giant eagle
  • Get your shit together Frodo
  • Dean Bean touches way too many things he shouldn't and never puts it back
  • Every time I ask my friends to clarify things, I feel like an idiot
  • I am literally the only one here who hasn't seen this
  • This cinematography is amazing fyi
  • I'm sorry but when Gandalf was being attacked and was spun, I laughed.
  • So far there are elves, dwarves, wizards, humans, and some randoms
  • Everytime I recognise an actor I think about what else they've been in: Sean Ben = Game of Thrones, Liz Tyler = Armageddon, Charlie from Lost, Agent Smith from the Matrix
  • "One does not simply walk into Mordor"
  • I want Gandalf's hat and magic staff thing
  • Liz Tyler is gorgeous. On A JennaMarble's scale, I'm on a level 2 girl crush for her
  • This music is SO dramatic
  • Orcs
  • The hobbits are children and Gandalf is their protective grandpa who scolds them really well
  • Here comes the unending supply of arrows conundrum
  • Freaking Frodo
  • I'm gna equate him to Elena now
  • Legolas is a stellar fighter
  • CABIN IN THE WOODS GOD/MONSTER/ANCIENT ONE. Was freaking reference to thisssssssss. 
  • I cant handle Frodo's eyes. They're just....nyehhhh
  • I really don't like Cate Blanchett
  • I stopped liveblogging at this point.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Sons of Anarchy S01E03 Fun Town

I began a Sons of Anarchy marathon today. I watched 5 episodes today and I am getting into it. This review was written straight after I watched the episode though:

Holy crap those first 10 seconds made me so happy. THEY WERE AT A CARNIVAL. There are so many questions behind this (Why is fully grown adult bikie family at the carnival? Where's everyone else? Is this a dream?) but it didn't matter when I saw them revving some ride at a carnival like kiddies. They were a happy family and everything was good. It was so good in fact that I forgot my general rule to be wary of happiness and BOOM, everything went to shit.

As soon as the Sons got involved with the rape case, it turned into a messed up Law and Order episode.  The moral ambiguity in this was incredible.

The full on investigation was interesting to watch. There was a rare golden-comic-moment when the Sons burst into a house with guns ablazing, ready to shoot a pedophile/rapist down only to fantastically interrupt a born-again Christian's meeting. Nice.

But that ending, man. I knew that he wouldn't be able to go through with the castrating. The mere thought that this was going to happen freaked me the hell out. But then he didn't do it and left the knife there and the small, brief relief I felt vanished. You idiot. You left it there? WHY? So Clay does it with his gloves and it is one of the most uncomfortable, cringe-y noise filled scene. At first you'd think,

"Hey he was serving justice. The guy had to suffer for what he did. Bleeding out from having his balls cut off was a fitting punishment."

Was it the right punishment? MORAL CONFLICT. And then Clay then goes ahead and send the balls to Elliot along with blackmail to not buy more land or something. His ulterior motives were to stop Elliot's deal happen which would have jeopardised the Sons territory and control (?). The question I ask is whether finding and killing the rapist was the main reason for this or whether it was to blackmail Elliot?

Then creepy guy stalking Tara. TOKEN STALKER OF THE SEASON. Looking forward to see how this unfolds.

Guys. Juice in a diaper. No, you don't understand. JUICE IS WEARING A DIAPER. with cardboard stapled to his chest but that's just a little detail....Also! HALF SACK. They treat him so badlyyyyy. He's on his little boy bike driving around and being a man servant. Don't worry Half-Sack, it gets better. Right (?)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

It has been an emotional week

First of all: SPOILERS

Once Upon A Time. S02E08
Everytime Hook is on screen I start repeated the phrase "I love you" until the end. I really can't tell which side he is on. By the way. THAT ENDING. This show, man, this show.
Let me tell you about this show. You hear about the general premise of fairy tale characters being sent to the real world. At first it sound stupid and childish and nothing will come of it. I have to admit you had to drag yourself through a few of the first couple episodes. But once you're in, YOU ARE IN. And you are awarded of joining because it gets good. There are plot twists that you will not see coming. There are characters that you will come to admire and love and want to succeed because all he really needs is a big hug and to just find that one person. I admit it could get overly cheesy and in your face about good morals and good/love triumphs all and all that crap. But the is equally, if not, just as in your face and absolutely addictive.

Vampire Diaries S02E07
Dear Diary,

I almost died to today. It must be Friday....

Anyways I wanted to do the right thing by everyone and once again got in everyone's way. I then felt guilty and made myself the victim by whining to Damon and Stephen. By whining I mean that I moved in with them since my brother is a mix of psychotic ring boy and psychotic vampire hunter. That was of course after every single of girlfriend and parental figure he has ever known have either died by the hands of evil or turned evil and then died, or in my case just got awesomer but also deader. I am so awesome and moral.

Anyways I have to go, Damon is telling me to do something outrageous and totally out of character for me. It must be love!

love, Elena

This show is making me hate all the characters I should love. But I can't stop. The Delena tension (and eruption) was really weird in this episode. It just didn't rub me the right way for some reason even though I've been waiting for this since Damon got on the show....EPISODE ONE. The only thing I'm genuinely LOVING is FKING KLAROLINE. I squealed and giggled and fan girled and oh my godddddddddddddddddddddddd. Please stay together forever. I kind of got annoyed when Caroline and Stephen think that there must be something weird and evil happening because Elena's in love with Damon. She showed all the signs before her change that she had feelings for him, why was this so left field for them? But that twist was pretty good. God, Damon can't catch a break. 

Glee S04E08
Yeah I'm a Gleek and I'm half proud half ashamed. It's a guilty pleasure that everyone knows I take part in. Anyways. This episode was so weird. When it began I got so excited by the return of the ex-glee members. I got 10 times more excited when we heard Mike sing properly for more than just two lines. The mash up was great because I love Home by Phillip Phillips and it blended so well with Homeward Bound (Simon & Garfunkel) I didn't undertand that Kiki scene? I was so alarmed and confused at what was happening. It was both weird and fabulous but mostly weird. The Klaine phonecall gave me the smilies. 
Quinnnnnn, I was hoping you'd be changed and successful but you just got worseeee. But I do miss the Unholy Trinity. Tina singing Gangnam Style gave a semi racist feel (wasn't it established she was Chinese?) but she also got a solo, so I didn't really care.
Kitty is psychotic. I don't understand people, especially people at a really young age, wanting to be mean to someone for such petty reasons and to go to such lengths that would cause someone else just physical harm. Marley could get some really serious health and mental problems from this. How does this not cross this girls mind?