Monday, December 10, 2012

Doctor Who #9 S01E04 Aliens of London (Part I)

Woahhhhhhh. This was a really good episode. It was intense and funny and crazy and I was all over the place.

So Rose returns home with the Doctor and he tells her that 12 hours had passed in her time while they were traversing time and space. Rose wants to pop in and let her mother know she's alright before they go off again while the Doctor sees a missing person's flyer for Rose. How long was she actually gone for?

TWELVE MONTHS. That's a massive miscalculation there. So Rose's mother is of course furious and happy and frustrated at the same time. She wants to know where Rose has been and Rose tells her that she's been traveling. So she's telling the truth. But of course her mother doesn't believe her and starts going a bit nuts. 

So while Rose talks to the Doctor later about how she's the only one of Earth who knows about so much now, she jinxed it. A spaceship smashes the Big Ben and lands in the water. I had no idea where this episode was going. At the moment, while I understood her anger and frustrations, Rose's mum was irritating the hell out of me. I want her to know what was really going on so that everyone can be happy and fine. Her shrill voice is annoying.

Everyone starts watching the news coverage of the crash on the television and the Doctor gets fed up and wants to investigate, himself. Rose makes him promise not to leave her so he gives he a copy of the keys to the TARDIS to reassure her. You guys, this is the equivalent of a guy giving his serious girlfriend the keys to his apartment. It's freaking adorable and I'm loving it.

But thennnnnnnnnn, we get to the hospital where the body from the spaceship was being held. This whole scene just made me go crazy emotional. I was freaking out about what it might have looked like because of all the horrifying and other strange beings I've seen in previous episodes. And then it's the cutest yet terrifying yet...oaksdhfaiksjvakdsvniksdvn thing. IT'S A MINI PIG SPACEMAN WHO RUNS WITH HIS LITTLE HOOFS IN THE AIR. The noises and things I said when I saw him made my mum burst in the room with worry. Literally.

And then the pig spaceman was shot and my heart is broken. Especially when the Doctor tells us it was just a normal pig that was tampered with and it was scared out of it's mind. 

Meanwhile, Rose's old boyfriend see's the TARDIS disappear and goes to find Rose at her home. He was astoundingly loyal and dedicated to finding Rose for the past 12 months. He's been looking for her and wasn't able to move on. But then when he tells her about the Doctor disappearing, he turns into an irritating, bitter child when talking to Rose. Rose is upset that he's gone but when she sees her keys flashing and realises her mother was still with them, she panics.

At first I was SO happy that her mother finds out. I thought that meant that things would go on fine. Until she ran off without even an explanation and FUCKING CALLS THE GOVERNMENT IN HOPES OF GETTING THE DOCTOR KILLED. I understand she's trying to protect her daughter, but she acted rashly and without hearing anyone out or thinking about the facts. Ughhhhh

So the Doctor finds out that the spaceship came from space originally and as he was about to go, the government escorts him personally to where this whole alien situation was being handled. While all that domestic crap was happening up there, the Prime Minister was missing and by default, the position was given to some random guy who can't control his gas. AND THEN MUM FROM SHAUN OF THE DEAD FINDS EVERYTHING OUT. Three members of parliament are were blindingly blue glowing aliens who use human bodies as skin suits with zips on their foreheads.

As the Doctor gathers with all the other alien experts, he slowly figures out that the whole situation was a trap to get them all there. And then the Prime Minister and some other guy reveal their alien selves. This also happens in another room with Rose, Shaun of the Dead Mum and there's another one with Rose's mother. I actually don't understand what the aliens want or why but HOLY MOTHER OF CHEESE THEY ARE UGLY AND UNNERVING. Anything that blinks sideways is automatically on my list of worst things ever. 

And then to be continued. I really liked this episode. 

  • "900 years of time and space and I've never been slapped by someone's mother...IT HURT"
  • "Aliens and spaceships and things and I'm the only person on planet earth that knows they exit" -Spaceship crashes in broad daylight in front of all of London- "Oh that's just not fair..."
  • "Excuse me, do you mind not farting while I'm saving the world?"

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