Friday, November 30, 2012

Special Announcement!

Hey non existent readers! I have some awesome and potentially dangerous news.

Next Thursday (Australia/future time), I am holding a Lord of the Rings marathon at my place with a bunch of friends in honour of The Hobbit coming out!

I've calculated and see that it is 9 hours and 18 minutes....not including extended scenes and footage that my friends have and we are going to watch. So this will be taxing day, whether it be on my health or emotional state or my mental state.

I'll try to figure out how to record my reactions in one form or another in order to do a full out review afterwards.

So here is my knowledge of Lord of the Rings (which is mainly made up of singular words and pronouns):

  • Elijah Wood = Frodo
  • His friend's name is Sam? Which is a weirdly normal name for this universe. I mean...his best friend's name is Frodo...
  • There are two other guys and one of them plays Charlie from Lost
  • They're hobbits which are different from dwarfs
  • Middle Earth
  • New Zealand
  • Gandalf
  • Sauron?
  • Ring that has weird writing inside and does stuff and is significant
  • Evil Dobby named Golem
  • "My precious....."
  • Orlando Bloom
  • There's a lot of walking and journeying through New Zealand  Middle Earth
  • Btw is Middle Earth the name of the whole universe or just the name of one specific section in the universe? See, I have the same problem with Game of Thrones. Is Winterfell the whole universe or just one region? DON'T ANSWER THAT
This looks like I know a lot (to me it does) but I'm just saying words that I've heard around everywhere. know...I live under a well informed rock. So here are predictions:
  • People die
  • The ring gets destroyed at the very end. It has to be right? That's the whole point of the whole franchise?
  • There's an evil force that want's the ring for evil purposes? Because they're evil?
Yeah that's all. I don't know. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Sorry I haven't posted much lately. I've been busy with personal matters and being lazy. I'll be honest, I spent most of the past couple of days playing Pokemon Gold while watching three whole seasons of Community for the first time. If I wasn't reviewing each episode and each chapter like I do here, I'd probably be done with most of the series because that's how much of a life I don't have and how much I love good television. I watch in bulk.

Maybe I'm just going to do that from now on. If I want to watch another episode, I'll do it. I'll probably get into it and watch at least 8 per day. I'd upload one at a time or something and video record each one but not upload every vidblog.

Anyways. The real purpose behind this post (before I got ramble-y up there) was to discuss Community. My God I am so ashamed I did not get into this sooner. It's brilliant on all levels! It's like a pop culture candy land which I have devoured all of. By the end of the first episode of season 1, I realised I was a mild version of Abed.

I probably should do this in dot point form to get it all out:

  • Top episodes:
  • Every single paintball episode. I want those guns. Are they available (or even legal) in Australia? If so, it's high on my Christmas list next to nerf guns (please)
  • Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas was a mix between ridiculous, hilarious, heartbreaking and amazing. Just the animation was priceless along with the songs. P.S. PIERCE IS A TEDDY BEAR
  • Epidemiology. Look guys, I just love comedic zombies. Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead are some of my favourite movies. So this episode was Halloween crack for me. Especially since we don't celebrate Halloween as much as I like in Australia. 
  • Cirriculum Unavailable. I solely liked this episode because I almost fell for the fact that they were all in a mental institution because it is such a LOGICAL EXPLANATION. But thank god it wasn't. 
  • The First Chang Dynasty was just so ridiculous. I loved it from beginning to end. The classic looking like they got caught but that was part of the plan. Chang's growing insanity. The group working together to complete something so ridiculous. 
  • Digital Estate Planning. Good lord bless these writers. Everytime they spoof or homage something through the layout of the episode, I cry of happiness and the birth of puppies peak. Taking on video games, making Abed find his true love in an avatar and WHY IS GIANCARLO ESPOSITO EVIL IN EVERY TELEVISION SERIES HE IS IN?
  • Basic Lupine Urology. BEST SPOOF EVER. Troy and Abed just make me wish I had two bromantic friends. 
  • Remedial Chaos Theory is probably one of my most favourite episodes in general television. I am in love with infinite parallel/alternate universe theories. The fact that it was this show that pulled it off so just makes me happy.

  • General:
  • Abed + Troy = One of the top bromances
  • Pierce is always giving me conflicting emotions. One moment he's obliviously offensive, then he's a sad old man and then I want to strangle him for being so....JIFNVJSIDNGJENG. 
  • Jeff. I sort of don't ship him with anyone. I really don't like the idea of him and Annie because it just seems.....nyehhh. No likey. I used to go for Britta but then I just got tired of that thought and went along with their awesome childish banter.
  • OH Britta and Troy. I'm all for it. They're both adorably stupid in their own way.
  • There's a lot of continuity in the show but if you jumped into the series mid-season, you wouldn't be left out. 
  • Abed and Troy's handshake and catchphrase/morning show thing
  • I equate their Dreamatorium with Spongebob and Patrick's Idiot box
  • It's like a combination of some of my favourite sitcoms: Seinfeld, Happy Endings, How I Met Your Mother and some other ones I can't think of right now.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Game of Thrones Chapter 2: Catelyn

We continue meeting the Stark family as the mother of the clan (is that the right word?) is introduced and talks to Ned, who I finally figured out was the father/leader and not Eddard. Right? Are Eddard and Ned the same person? Am I making myself sound really stupid??

So this chapter brought on a plethora of words and names I don't know how to pronounce. That should be fun for future readings. The thing I like about the author's style of writing is that it doesn't chuck a J.K Rowling. As much as I love the Harry Potter series, the descriptions tended to run a couple pages too long when just describing how a table fell over or something like that. This gave enough description for you to conjure in your mind but not too much so that it overwhelmed you.

A friend of Ned (who is also his brother in law because his friend's wife is Ned's wife's sister. Yeah.) died, which was momentarily sad. I find it great how we get a little backstory to insignificant characters or characters you're not going to actually meet. We also get a couple more of the children's names and Bran is not the youngest. My apologies.

Then we get news that King Robert is going to visit with pretty much half his court. Then there's some obvious tension when regarding the King's wife and her brothers. The Lannister's came in a little late to help the Stark's out and so they never really got buddy buddy with each other. I guess it's more tolerance.

There was a lot of talk about forests, and trees, and carvings in a special tree. That was all a little confusing and weird. But ok. I must be important? Jebus help me understand.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Supernatural S01E02 Wendigo

I fell for the first scene. It was cliche and I considered the fact that it might be a dream. But I got sucked in anyway.

So this episode the search continues for the brothers' father and ends up just saving a family who were in a similar situation. They lost their brother when he went camping and always kept in touch in some way. Until one day he just stops and they want to find him. Dean empathises with this and he wants to help them. That and the fact that he was accustomed to defeating evil on a daily basis to save others.

Sam however, wants to move on once he realises that their father wasn't there. He didn't care about the family or the wendigo. He never let himself really mourn Jess's death and so his little revenge vendetta thing is overtaking his mind, instincts and morals. First off he wants to go straight into the forest rather than investigate unusual happenings which confuses Dean. Then he wants to abandon an obvious dangerous situation for his own sake. 

It was only until Dean convinced Sam that it was wrong and what happened was unfair. He promises Sam that they'll find their father and the demon who killed Jess and their mother. On the way they'll just continue to bring down as much evil as they can. Which lightens the moment.

  • M&M's are a staple in life and obviously saves lives
  • Not much to say about this episode....

Doctor Who #9 S01E03 The Unquiet Dead

I didn't sign up for this when I wanted to get into Doctor Who. I didn't know exactly what I was signing up for, per say, BUT IT WASN'T THIS. Within the first 5 minutes I was freaking out. Dead old people suddenly coming to life with white eyes? Yeah, no thank you. Ever.

I don't know what to take from this episode. It shows that Rose's morals, although understandable and is right to us, may have to change. She's now part of this bigger picture where that are hundreds of unknown races of alien beings. She want's to respect the dead yet she could help save an entire race of aliens. She wants to protect Gwyneth (who was on the first episode of Merlin and apparently was in Torchwood) who has the ability to save this race at the risk of her own life.

It's that question: would you kill one person you know in order to save hundreds of strangers?
She also needs to understand her views and morals are not just out of place when it comes to aliens, but to different time periods as well. They were in 1869 and Rose was appalled at Gwyneth's treatment when in fact, Gwyneth had to going pretty well for a female of her status. She had a paying job with a kind employer and even a form of education. But Rose just sees an underpaid, uneducated and poorly treated girl. So she needs to learn to adjust and empathise in a whole new way.

We also met Charles Dickens who is dissatisfied with life. He feels that he's grown to know and be certain about everything around him. He has no more motivation to write and doesn't believe in paranormal/supernatural. His adamant refusal to believe what obviously wasn't normal shows how he is afraid that the beliefs that he had lived his whole life by were wrong; that everything he said and did was pointless and completely wrong. But then this seemingly small gem pops up:

"Can it be that I have the world entirely wrong?

"You're not wrong. There's just more to learn."

I like that he doesn't shoot Dickens' down and say that he was wrong about everything but that he just simply didn't know everything. It would have been so easy for the Doctor to just tell his everything he thought and believed was wrong because the Doctor knows so much. How much does the Doctor know, exactly??

Anyways Doctor Who episode three was: scary, wtf, how?, why?, what?, scary, wait...., wth, DON'T DIE

So death count this episode: at least 3, not counting the already dead bodies that exploded at the end. 

  • "Sorry I told you to shut up."
  • "Who's your friend?"  "Charles Dickens."  "Okay."
  • "First you drug me and then you kidnap me. And don't think I didn't feel your hands having a quick wandering, you dirty old man!" -Doctor just smiles harder-
  • I don't understand this joke about it being Cardiff...
  • HOLDING OF HANDS "I'm so glad I met you"...YOU GUYYYSSSSSSS

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Game of Thrones Chapter 1: Bran

This is nice. I like where this is going. Well to be honest I have no idea where it's going. But I do like what has happened so far.

Introduced to the Stark's/ Snow. Everything so far is surprisingly pleasant. Except, of course, the beheading Gared from the prologue. The chapter leaves unanswered specifically why he was executed though. Or I completely missed it. Something about him being a wildling or a deserter? I'm also still very unclear about what a wildling is. They seem to rape, pillage and other piratey things. I'm guessing they're savage pirates or something like that? Why is Gared one of them? Wasn't he described as an honourable old knight who served for over 40 years or something? WHAT HAPPENED AFTER THE WHITE PEOPLE KILLED ROYCE AND WILL? I think I'll never know....

Anyways the beheading is described from the perspective of Bran, a seven year old Stark. Apparently seven years old is the appropriate age to witness executions. Lovely. OH OH OH. I GOT A PREDICTION RIGHT! And I was joking and being desperate at that point too. So they said there were NINE summer's and Bran had experienced seven. So I'm taking that time does indeed work differently in WINTERFELL, the name of the land (I got a lot of questions answered in this chapter), and seasons go for years and years. Regardless of what season it is however, it seems that the weather and terrain is still harshly cold and dangerous. Which means that when Winter comes (whenever the hell that is) it is going to SUCK.

So the men of the Stark family and some of their entourage are introduced and I'm liking all of them. Robb and Jon seem to be opposites but get along really well. I find this really sweet, especially since Jon Snow is a bastard and isn't fully part of the family blood-wise. They seem to be are really close and good unit of people who are comfortable with each. This is a good thing which means only death or tragedy or sadness is going to befall them by next chapter right? IF JOSS WHEDON TAUGHT ME ANYTHING, IT'S TO BE SUSPICIOUS OF JOY AND HAPPINESS.

I admire Eddard so far. The leader is Eddard right? I'll call him lord king for now until I know I'm right because no one really calls the leader by his name. When he explains why the King executes rather than an actual executioner, I admire it. It's very respectful and honourable to take the full force of responsibility by making the one who sentences them to death to also actually do act of killing him. It shows what kind of tradition and family the Starks come from.

By the by I really like Jon Snow. I don't know why. He's just likable. He stood up for Bran and PLUS saved the pupsssssss. Anyone who saves pups is good in my book. That whole scene and section about the Direwolves was really interesting too. I have a feeling it's foreshadowing something because of the significance of the animal and how it "coincidentally" had the same number of females and males as the Stark children. There was even an albino one for Jon!

Guuuuuuuuyyyyyyys. UBER CAYOOOTEE. It felt weird typing that....

So yeah, digging the Stark's!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Supernatural S01E01 Pilot

I forgot how generally creepy this was. You can see me jump when that bird flew out of NO WHERE at the house.

I vividly remember the first half of the episode. And can I just say OMFG LOOK HOW YOUNG AND SMALL AND CUTE THEY ARE HERE. I mean I haven't actually seen any the later episodes in season 6 or 7 but I've seen gifs and images on Tumblr. And they're baaaaaaabieeeeeeeessssssssssssss  heeeeeeeeeeereeeeeeee.

So the whole purpose of this episode was to set up the premise of the show, the main conflict for this season and as a device to get the brothers to once again go hunting together. IN THE MOST TRAGIC WAY POSSIBLE.

Obviously the beginning is to show how Dean, Sam and their father got into the "business" of hunting demons: to find the one that murdered their mother. But when we fast forward we see that Sam has left that life behind in order to pursue a "safer" and more normal life. Going to law school, a stable relationship and scoring amazingly high on his SATs. The score is high right? I don't know, I'm Australian, I don't know how these scores work. So it's understandable why he's reluctant to go with Dean when he shows up in the middle of the night all cute and sarcastic and big brotherly.

Their whole process on how they investigate and destroy the demons is set out really nicely in here. They look for patterns in mysterious deaths/happenings, research folks and legends that would fit the criteria, pretend (and fail) to be fake cops to investigate the most recent occurrence of supernaturality (supernaturalness? supernaturalnesseanwovnjnvfvf) and kill whatever it is.

We also see Dean confront Sam about who Sam is. Does he really HAVE to be a demon hunter though? Why CAN'T he have a normal life? Just because he was raised to do something, doesn't mean he really has to go forward with it if he doesn't see a good future or happiness in it. But then his expression shifted when Dean mentions how many lives they saved and I think that's what hits home for Sam. Lawyer's save lives....sort of? Right?

Anyways the Woman in White wasn't creepy as much as annoying. You know what was creepy? HER KIDS ON THE STAIRS. I seem to have issues with scary horror kids. I don't know why.

And then we reach the end. Sam comes home ready to finally really start on his new, normal life only to find his girlfriend murdered on the ceiling in the same fashion as his mother. Of course he doesn't remember his mother's death but he got something from it. He understood. The reason why he left the hunting life was because he couldn't understand his father's obsession with finding the demon that killed Mary and felt that it was selfish of him to let it take over his life. When he realises it was the same thing that killed his mother, he understood what it felt like and what it meant to his father to find this thing: justice and revenge.

Any adventure or mission that is motivated only by those will never ever end well. Anyways, excited to rewatch more!

Sons of Anarchy S01E02 Seeds

Wait. I just got the title of this episode.

I realised that the first episode, as most pilots, was to introduce. Introduce characters, clubs, situations, Charming etc. And it was interesting. This episode, however, probably included a lot of "seeds" details that will become important later in the series. Some more obvious than others.

The first being Hal wanting to take over as Chief policeman in order to bring the Sons down and to modernise the town. By the way I'm totally falling for disliking his character despite the fact that he's just trying to do the right thing and a good job. I mean, he's a cop for Christ's sake. He's SUPPOSED to go after clubs like the Sons who are committing criminal activity, with the aid of corrupt police no less. But my god he's just annoying and in the way.

Then there's Tig who is creepy yet likable. His "seed" was in the two burnt bodies from the pilot (which I still cringe from everytime I see them) and was going to get the Sons in real big trouble if they traced his DNA back to him and the club which would connect them to the guns depot. This whole situation is one big catalyst for drama: discovery of the alliance between Nords and Mayans, their location be destroyed and investigated by police and finding their place in society being threatened by a whole lot of people when they're in the middle of rebuilding.

What do they mean by rebuilding by the way? Are they talking about the literal rebuilding of another depot or something? I have a lot to catch up on....

There's also the case of Opie and his family troubles. Which I sort of don't care about that much right now, no matter how adorable and helpless he is. He wants back in but feels guilty for going to jail because of his participation with the group while leaving his wife to deal with kids and bills. I get that and the fact that they are struggling to make ends meet ever since he left. But it's a meh sub storyline for me so far.

The other storyline which I don't know how to feel about is Donna. What is she and Sam hiding from Jax about his father? Her intimidation of every female she comes in contact with makes me really uncomfortable which I think I'm supposed to feel.

  • I didn't like the fact that they just promised a guy a chance to sleep with the girl without asking or considering what she wanted at all. Granted, she was up for it after sleeping with Jax. But still. Ew and no.
  • The convenience store scene. Goddamnit. I warned them like a push over mum and what happened? A guy actually gets an axe to his head. LIKE HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE? DOES IT? faojnvjsfnasfnjdvn
  • I love Half Sack and Juice. They're adorable and funny and feel more innocent for some reason. 
  • Wendy's alive. There's that.
  • Chibs' accent.
  • "I'll gut them dead bitches. I'll flush their bellies with bleach, no DNA."   "What kind of nasty shit did your mama do to you?"     "What do you mean?"  HOW IS THIS SOMEHOW TERRIFYING YET ENDEARING? Tig, you enigma, you.
  • Dinner scene at the end was too happy. I can just hear someone turn on the switch of the metaphorical, death-like fan and someone preparing to throw the shit at it. 

Friday, November 16, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part 2 and Vampire Diaries S04E06

So this won't contain spoilers, per say, but it does hint and imply a lot of what happens. So read at your own risk? I don't know....

Breaking Dawn:
Kristen Stewart looked admittedly really good. But that's a given since she's all vampirey now. The "graphics" or whatever the hell they did to Renesmee did not help one bit. It had the signature awkwardness you'd expect from the franchise and so much ludicrousy that you don't know whether be to angry, hysterical or horrified.  

They gave us exactly what we wanted. As soon as that head was ripped off, I (and the rest of my friends beside me) were just frozen. In shock. Jaws on floor. A sort of mental collect "WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED?" We weren't expecting this. We've all the read the book. This didn't happen. WE ALL WANTED IT TO. AND THEN THEY DELIVERED IT. And then-
As soon as you realise everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, that happened..... I don't even know how to articulate how I felt. I was overwhelmed. I quite literally leaned forward in my seat, head was between knees in my hands and I laughed hysterically. I couldn't. I still can't. It was one of the most ridiculous moments in my life.

Take from that what you will. Just...unless someone tells you, YOU ARE NOT PREPARED.

Vampire Diaries:
I think I'm speaking for a whole lot of people when I say how tired I am of Elena drama. (Although I am a big Nina Dobrev fan. That girl is gorgeous). Not sick of the Salvatore triangle, but the general, endless, infuriating dangerous conflict that happen BECAUSE of her. Also her moral and ethical standing, as much as we get that she's that kind of character and the show needs that kind of element, it's a pain in the freaking arse. She does just cry and whine all the time. We understand why and accept it. But it's so damn annoying.

We were this close guys. This close and it would have stopped. And then Damon came. And things get...not weird...but different.

And then that ending that just happened? It happened. It actually happened. And I like the way it happened. It was mature and sensible and honest and not dramatic. But then, how is this going to unfold in the future? It can't just go BAM and TA DA right? Or it could...I wouldn't mind

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Doctor Who #9 S01E02: End of the World

It's only the second episode and we get to witness the end of the world. It wasn't the earth exploding that was quite dramatic though.

Episode two picks up straight after the end of the first episode. Rose had just left her life to see what it'd be like with the Doctor. If I had the option whether to go forwards or backwards in time, I'd go back first. I don't know why. It probably doesn't matter if you can do both in one day when you're with the Doctor.

So we confirm that the Doctor is an alien who owns a time and space travelling box right off the bat. Rose is so excited to go on this adventure with him and decides to go forward in time. She first says 100 years but that seems to be a cakewalk for the Doctor so he propels them 5 billion years into the future when the Earth was officially going to end. I have to say, if I had spent a long time on my own traversing the planes of space and time, I wouldn't take my latest friend to witness the destruction of their home planet. It's more depressing than impressing.

So this whole galactic meeting for the richest aliens to witness the death of Earth. It was so weird. Watching a joyous and momentous occasion for such a horrible event. And the last human on earth is just a stretch of skin. It was disgusting. 5 Billion years into the future and the ideal image of beauty is flawless flat expanse of skin. It just goes to show and comment on the ludicrous ideas of beauty and perfection in society and what silly extremes people go through to achieve it.

I loved the idea that tree's evolved into sentient, moving beings and eventually a huge race. As soon as Jabe figured out who the Doctor was, I immediately thought "SHE'S GOING TO DIEEEEEE". And lo and behold, she catches on fire. But she was soooo likableeeeee. She also served as a convenient plot mover as she revealed to a noob like me that the Doctor came from a race of Time Lords and that he was the last of his kind. This still doesn't tell me what exactly his purpose in the universe is or what his motivations are.

We also slightly address Rose's rash decision to go with the Doctor. As she's surrounded by these aliens, she finds herself mostly estranged from the other beings and can only connect with a slave/servant-like humanoid. As she explains who she is, realises she left behind everything she was for a stranger on a whim. The weight of her actions finally hit her and she becomes irritated at the aliens, especially that skin thing. She becomes depressed and, as sweet as it was for the Doctor to adjust her phone to call her mum in the past, nothing helps. Especially the almost dying from direct sun exposure or when she got knocked out by hoodie boys. When the Doctor explains the defeat and destruction the war had on his planet and how he's the last remaining of his kind, it comforts Rose that she's empathised with, especially since she's back in London and her own time. But still, there's a lot to emotional addressing that needs to be done. She needs to deal with this and I hope it happens soon.

Oh and guess who fell for the red herring about the hood guys being the villains? I totally did not expect skin girl to be the one who wanted to sabotage the ship.

The Doctor showed a different side as he didn't show mercy to skin girl. I don't know if it's justice or revenge. Rose seemed moral enough to want to help even though she went off at her earlier. INTERESTING

I wonder if there's going to be a major conflict or plot that is evident throughout the series or whether they're stand alone episodes. Anyways, I'm like what I've seen so far. Still don't know jack though...

  • "He's blue." "Yeah" "...alright..."
  • "I'm just going to go and talk to Michael Jackson over there"
  • At least three people died this episode. I did not expect so many people to die already by the second episode. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Additional features to expect

Along with the shows and novels I'm reviewing, I also have a great many other things that I watch on a weekly basis as they new episodes are coming out right now. This includes Once Upon a Time, Revenge, Elementary, Revolution, Vampire Diaries and America's Next Top Model. I'm also reading the novel Ancient Future by Traci Harding for the literal sixth time just so I don't get the urge to read ahead on Game of Thrones.

I'm not going to review them but I get so many thoughts and emotions that I have decided this page will also serve as my fan outlet. So I guess I'll be posting things like short text posts of emotion about off hand series or fan art or images from Tumblr. Recommendations for various shows, films, novels, fan fiction, fan sites etc.

They'll be easy to scroll away from and they won't interfere with my real reviews. Hope this turns out well.

Game of Thrones - Prologue

So the prologue launches us straight into the still vague world of Game of Thrones. I still don't know where it's set or what the name of the world is but I do know that it is FREEZING. 

So is Winter coming or is it here or has it just passed? Because from what I'm reading it seems pretty wintery already. So if that's just the ordinary terrain or environment, then that sucks for them when Winter REALLY hits. The weather right now is harsh and barely survivable as frostbite is the best outcome it seems.

I like how I'm still very confused but am able to keep up with what just happened. You get a feel of the setting and a lot of background on the characters considering how they only lived for a chapter.

OH YEAH. ABOUT THAT. THEY ALL DIED. AND IN THE MOST CONFUSING MANNER THAT MAKES  A NOOB LIKE ME GO “WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?”. What the hell were those white people, why are they killing and what do they want?????

The sudden and horrific deaths of what seemed to be important characters by the end of the prologue is hinting that anyone could die at anytime and in the most MYSTERIOUS WAY POSSIBLE. FORESHADOWING? Or I'm just trying to take ANYTHING I can from this chapter?

Gotta say I didn’t mind Royce dying...he seemed really arrogant and disregarded the advice from his most experienced....soldiers? Would you call them soldiers? I don’t know. I was really rooting for Will and Gared. Is it pronounced like Jared or not? MILA HELP ME WITH THIS PART!

So I'm on board so far with this, as vague and non-indicative this chapter was for me. In the future I might do multiple chapters in one because of the length of the book and chapters. 

Doctor Who #Nine S01E01: Rose

So change of plans. I've started Doctor Who officially because I went to a friend's place where we had a marathon of good television and Cabin in the Woods. WATCH IT BY THE WAY because that is quality, amazing horror. Usually I'm a massive wimp when it comes to horror movies, but for Joss Whedon I'd do anything. We then watched two episodes of Doctor Who which I shall review right now and soon later. Then I introduced Laura to Firefly, another amazing and wrongly cancelled Whedon program. I strongly recommend all of what I just mentioned especially for sci-fi fans and anyone who loves humour combined with their drama and horror.

I intended recording my first reaction to watching my very first episode of Doctor Who  but something went wrong and it didn't record properly. So sadly this is only a text review of it.

SO my first experience with Doctor Who, played by Christopher Eccleston. It was a great! I really didn't know what to expect with Doctor Who and I still really don't. It was eventful and fast paced and bizarre.

I didn't expect them to start with Rose, who I knew was to be the "companion" of this series. By the way I just have to note, Billie Piper has perfect hair. No matter how you style it, it looks amazing. But I like how they captured London from Rose's perspective as just a boring life that happened in a boring routine, day by day. That's partially what made her so rashly jump into the TARDIS with the Doctor I guess. But I'll touch on that later.

Things became scarier a lot more quickly and a lot more in general than I expected. I didn't think it'd be so creepy with the darkened, lonely halls and those OMFG THOSE MANNEQUINS. I WAS JOKING WHEN I SAID THEY'D COME TO LIFE. JESUS I DIDN'T WANT THAT TO HAPPEN. THIS WASN'T PART OF THE BANDWAGON I WANTED TO JUMP O-HOLY SHIT MANNEQUIN CHILDREN. Nup. This is plain scary. They have no faces! And they move like robots. And they somehow shoot crap out of their stiff-plastic-no fingerprinted-murderous hands!

At the moment I still do not have any idea of what the Doctor actually is. His poetic and existential speech about how he could feel the earth and everything did nothing for me except provide romantic tension between him and Rose. Which I'm kind of half digging by the way. Is his role to protect Earth? Why is he speaking on behalf of it to the plastic goop? I wasn't as interested in the main villain of plastic goop as I was in the establishment of characters. I don't think they've mentioned what that blue glow stick thing is. I've seen it around on gifs and tumblrs but I don't know what it is.

By the end when Rose practically runs into the arms of the Doctor and the Tardis, I was pretty shocked she would blatantly go off like that. She had just met man who possesses strange objects, knows about random alien life and lives in a police box thing that can transport anywhere it wants. Why would she leave her albeit boring life that was still full of loved ones including a mother and a boyfriend? Though time travel IS tempting. I hope they explore this a bit more.

In the end though it was a great introduction. I have a lot of questions that probably will go unanswered for a while but I'm excited nonetheless to go on.

  • I actually guessed that Wilson was dead and the mannequins would come to life or that the arm would try to kill them. I hated the fact I was right
  • I didn't expect the show to get as dark as it sort of did when people died and the mannequins came to life for the first time.
  • hahah Google: Doctor. Yeah, because that is specific as it gets. And then the first result: Doctor Who? I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE, WRITERS.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Sons of Anarchy S01E01 Pilot

So. I don't know how to feel so far. It's interesting.

The cold opening confused the hell out of me. Obviously by me asking whether they were cops or not indicated my complete stupidity. Things became clear to me only when they bribed the fire department and Jax called Clay the king. It's funny because when he said King I thought immediately of True Blood and how there would be sheriff and king vampires in each town or state. So it's kind of like that.

So on one end there is the Sons of Anarchy whose territory is Charming and then there is the Mayans and the Nords? This part of the plot seemed really insignificant to me despite how much screen time was devoted to it. It seemed that this episode was more to introduce and set the characters and the emotional side of things rather than the main conflict between gangs which I think will be focussed on this season. DON'T TELL ME IF I'M RIGHT OR NOT.

The family. My gosh there's so much drama and insanity happening already.

  • I'm so conflicted about his mother. She's protective of her family but she also looks like she's going to be manipulating a lot of the characters like Jax, Sam and the other females. Also I kind of think she's psychotic after what she did to Wendy.  
  • The conflict behind Jax, his mum, dead father and Clay. This part is still confusing because I still have no idea what happened in the past for Jax's parents or the history of the Sons but obviously that's going to be really explored in the future. Right? 
  • I'm thinking Jax is going to be the moral character of the series which I saw when he let Opie go back to his family and his hesitance to kill others. 
  • I like Tara. She looks like she's genuinely trying to get away from whatever happened 10 years ago. WHAT HAPPENED? Wait. DON'T TELL ME. So many questionsssss.
  • Wait. Wtf. Is Wendy dying? Did she actually purposely overdose? Did they just kill what seemed to be a main character already? 

I'm loving that little meeting scene because it just makes them look like a normal little club instead of a hardcore, violent, territorial bikie gang. The dynamic between the members was really well established. The loyalty and structure seems really solid. I'm really going to regret saying that aren't I?

So I guess it's interesting and enough for me to like it so far. Nothing really gripping yet though.


Friday, November 9, 2012

Predictions for Sons of Anarchy, Supernatural and Game of Thrones (novel)

Ok. So this is going to be me making a complete fool out of myself. I can see myself in the future laughing incredulously at past me already. 

Sons of Anarchy.

Let me just start off by saying: I have no idea what this is or could be about. I've heard that it was amazing. And that's about all. I don't know any plot points, I don't know any characters or names. Someone had to accidentally mention it was about bikies for me to know that. I haven't even seen any tumblr gifs or graphics about it. So here are my blindly made predictions about Season 1, or the series in general:

  • There are at least some attempts of anarchy
  • I’m guessing that they’re not literal sons/brothers, but like, brothers in spirit? JC....
  • Bikies is the only clue I got from a friend. I actually didn’t even know that. 
  • Guns
  • Men
  • Shit man, I don’t know. I KNOW NOTHING!
  • Tig. 
  • Apparently tears shall be shed. Or endlessly flow. Forgot which one
Yeah talk about unprepared.....

To be fair, I've seen this season and remember half the episodes. So it isn't really fair for me to try and predict anything about this. 

Game of Thrones
Everything I know about this is from tumblr and friends. So these are predictions based solely on the television show which will probably sound ridiculous and weird when applying it to the novel. Here I go:

  • People wanting to be THE king and/or queen? Of everything? 
  • So apparently favourite/loved characters will be ripped away from you
  • The hated ones somehow survive
  • There's a dragon lady who can talk to them??
  • There's a kid that everyone hates and wants to bitchslap
  • Nudity and incest
  • There's a throne....
  • I feel like an idiot writing this. I’m pretty much all done
  • There’s going to be a lot of snow
  • Apparently Winter is coming. I don’t know if it actually arrives any time soon. Is it a metaphorical winter? Does time pass differently in this realm which means it takes 10 years for a literal winter to arrive? I DON’T KNOW. I’M GOING OFF TUMBLR GIFS AND I’M RUNNING OUT. I STARTED PANICKING BECAUSE I STARTED RUNNING OUT AFTER INCEST.
  • Swords. I’m desperate at this point.
  • Brief moments of happiness is followed immediately by tedious extended periods of grief and death lets get to it!

First round!

FIRST OF ALL: This blogsite is temporary. I've got some behind the scenes, real website stuff happening so that'll come by the end of this month, if not the year (hopefully) So just stick with me for now on this.

SECONDLY. Here is what I shall experience as my first things ever on this project!

So my first two television shows are going to be:
  • Sons of Anarchy
  • Supernatural
In terms of Sons of Anarchy, I have no idea what it is about. I'll post my predictions up after this post. 

For Supernatural however, and this is going to get me crucified by Ivana and Nicole, I have actually only seen Season 1 and maybe 2 properly. But everything is still fuzzy in my mind. I'll be watching it from the very very first pilot in Season 1. So I'll get the full effect of it.

And the first novel I'm going to read is:
  • A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin
My friend Mila is the biggest fan I know of the franchise and so I asked her whether I should start with the novels or the television adaption. She went for novel and so I will follow her humble advice. 

Reviews and videos start being posted up on Monday!