Monday, December 3, 2012

Sons of Anarchy S01E03 Fun Town

I began a Sons of Anarchy marathon today. I watched 5 episodes today and I am getting into it. This review was written straight after I watched the episode though:

Holy crap those first 10 seconds made me so happy. THEY WERE AT A CARNIVAL. There are so many questions behind this (Why is fully grown adult bikie family at the carnival? Where's everyone else? Is this a dream?) but it didn't matter when I saw them revving some ride at a carnival like kiddies. They were a happy family and everything was good. It was so good in fact that I forgot my general rule to be wary of happiness and BOOM, everything went to shit.

As soon as the Sons got involved with the rape case, it turned into a messed up Law and Order episode.  The moral ambiguity in this was incredible.

The full on investigation was interesting to watch. There was a rare golden-comic-moment when the Sons burst into a house with guns ablazing, ready to shoot a pedophile/rapist down only to fantastically interrupt a born-again Christian's meeting. Nice.

But that ending, man. I knew that he wouldn't be able to go through with the castrating. The mere thought that this was going to happen freaked me the hell out. But then he didn't do it and left the knife there and the small, brief relief I felt vanished. You idiot. You left it there? WHY? So Clay does it with his gloves and it is one of the most uncomfortable, cringe-y noise filled scene. At first you'd think,

"Hey he was serving justice. The guy had to suffer for what he did. Bleeding out from having his balls cut off was a fitting punishment."

Was it the right punishment? MORAL CONFLICT. And then Clay then goes ahead and send the balls to Elliot along with blackmail to not buy more land or something. His ulterior motives were to stop Elliot's deal happen which would have jeopardised the Sons territory and control (?). The question I ask is whether finding and killing the rapist was the main reason for this or whether it was to blackmail Elliot?

Then creepy guy stalking Tara. TOKEN STALKER OF THE SEASON. Looking forward to see how this unfolds.

Guys. Juice in a diaper. No, you don't understand. JUICE IS WEARING A DIAPER. with cardboard stapled to his chest but that's just a little detail....Also! HALF SACK. They treat him so badlyyyyy. He's on his little boy bike driving around and being a man servant. Don't worry Half-Sack, it gets better. Right (?)

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