- I really didn't like Frodo. I don't know why. I admit that's harsh considering he didn't exactly ask for all this to happen and has to carry this massive burden. But I just didn't find him likable.
- Sam was an alright character. Applauding him for actually calling Golem out on his bullshit and saving and putting up with Frodo's crap. I mean, after Frodo pretty much banished him as a friend, he saved his ass from a giant spider and orcs and CARRIED HIM OF THE MOUNTAIN OF FIRE. Most loyal friend ever.
- I believe that Legolas is really a butterfly whose only purpose in the film is serve as a plot device that would spell out, state and explain the obvious things that are happening. Everything he said was hilariously unnecessary. I also think that if the group was in the modern world, he'd be a hipster indie. He's got braids, fish plait and a love for the environment going. He's also the prettiest
- Every female in this whole franchise is useless. Liz Tyler's character was the 'woe is me'/hopeless romantic; Cate Blanchett was just weird and no likey; Eowyn, well everytime she came on screen or said something my whole group of friends would boo her off because she was coming onto Aragon and that shit ain't allowed.
- Aragon is cool.
- Fight scenes were amazing but arduous
- Cinematography was breathtaking
- Can we just give Martin Scorese ALL THE AWARDS FOR HIS IMPECCABLE PERFORMANCE? Smeagol and Gollum were so unsettling and disturbing and horrifying yet hilarious and pitiful. Every moment was brilliant. Especially in the beginning of Return of King where we see his descent into darkness and madness. Just amazing
- Smeagol, in my eyes, was a schizophrenic, bi-polar, psychotic 5 year old.
- Sadness and empathy for Faramir. Sibling rivalry and parental approval/acceptance/conflict seems to transcend every dimension/realm.
- Boromir...Sean Bean....You lasted longer than I thought you would but for only one movie.
- Whyyyyyyyyyy does there have to be a giant spider? This one moved really realistically too. Ughh that thing is unnerving.
- Woah and LOL at Saruman's death.
- Although I do admit Legolas and Gimli come pretty close with their competition to see who could kill the most in the war. Adorbz guyzzzz.
Ok right now I'm dead tired. Overall, it was great. I think I'm a bit brain dead and overwhelmed by the amount of drama I just sat through so I can't really process properly. I'm not a big, die-hard fan but I enjoyed it. I probably would have enjoyed it more if I watched them with proper breaks in between and if I didn't see ALL the extended footage. But I saw it with a huge bunch of my friends and it was a good day. Lord of the Rings....I give it 3 out of 5 overall.
My favourite out of the three was Fellowship of the Ring. My favourite character would either be Gandalf or Aragon. Prediction count:
- The ring gets destroyed at the very end. It has to be right? That's the whole point of the whole franchise? Duh. 2/2
- There's an evil force that want's the ring for evil purposes? Because they're evil? Lol. 3/3
These don't deserve points because they're bullshit predictions. But I'll give myself some anyways =)
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