Monday, November 12, 2012

Sons of Anarchy S01E01 Pilot

So. I don't know how to feel so far. It's interesting.

The cold opening confused the hell out of me. Obviously by me asking whether they were cops or not indicated my complete stupidity. Things became clear to me only when they bribed the fire department and Jax called Clay the king. It's funny because when he said King I thought immediately of True Blood and how there would be sheriff and king vampires in each town or state. So it's kind of like that.

So on one end there is the Sons of Anarchy whose territory is Charming and then there is the Mayans and the Nords? This part of the plot seemed really insignificant to me despite how much screen time was devoted to it. It seemed that this episode was more to introduce and set the characters and the emotional side of things rather than the main conflict between gangs which I think will be focussed on this season. DON'T TELL ME IF I'M RIGHT OR NOT.

The family. My gosh there's so much drama and insanity happening already.

  • I'm so conflicted about his mother. She's protective of her family but she also looks like she's going to be manipulating a lot of the characters like Jax, Sam and the other females. Also I kind of think she's psychotic after what she did to Wendy.  
  • The conflict behind Jax, his mum, dead father and Clay. This part is still confusing because I still have no idea what happened in the past for Jax's parents or the history of the Sons but obviously that's going to be really explored in the future. Right? 
  • I'm thinking Jax is going to be the moral character of the series which I saw when he let Opie go back to his family and his hesitance to kill others. 
  • I like Tara. She looks like she's genuinely trying to get away from whatever happened 10 years ago. WHAT HAPPENED? Wait. DON'T TELL ME. So many questionsssss.
  • Wait. Wtf. Is Wendy dying? Did she actually purposely overdose? Did they just kill what seemed to be a main character already? 

I'm loving that little meeting scene because it just makes them look like a normal little club instead of a hardcore, violent, territorial bikie gang. The dynamic between the members was really well established. The loyalty and structure seems really solid. I'm really going to regret saying that aren't I?

So I guess it's interesting and enough for me to like it so far. Nothing really gripping yet though.


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