Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Doctor Who #9 S01E03 The Unquiet Dead

I didn't sign up for this when I wanted to get into Doctor Who. I didn't know exactly what I was signing up for, per say, BUT IT WASN'T THIS. Within the first 5 minutes I was freaking out. Dead old people suddenly coming to life with white eyes? Yeah, no thank you. Ever.

I don't know what to take from this episode. It shows that Rose's morals, although understandable and is right to us, may have to change. She's now part of this bigger picture where that are hundreds of unknown races of alien beings. She want's to respect the dead yet she could help save an entire race of aliens. She wants to protect Gwyneth (who was on the first episode of Merlin and apparently was in Torchwood) who has the ability to save this race at the risk of her own life.

It's that question: would you kill one person you know in order to save hundreds of strangers?
She also needs to understand her views and morals are not just out of place when it comes to aliens, but to different time periods as well. They were in 1869 and Rose was appalled at Gwyneth's treatment when in fact, Gwyneth had to going pretty well for a female of her status. She had a paying job with a kind employer and even a form of education. But Rose just sees an underpaid, uneducated and poorly treated girl. So she needs to learn to adjust and empathise in a whole new way.

We also met Charles Dickens who is dissatisfied with life. He feels that he's grown to know and be certain about everything around him. He has no more motivation to write and doesn't believe in paranormal/supernatural. His adamant refusal to believe what obviously wasn't normal shows how he is afraid that the beliefs that he had lived his whole life by were wrong; that everything he said and did was pointless and completely wrong. But then this seemingly small gem pops up:

"Can it be that I have the world entirely wrong?

"You're not wrong. There's just more to learn."

I like that he doesn't shoot Dickens' down and say that he was wrong about everything but that he just simply didn't know everything. It would have been so easy for the Doctor to just tell his everything he thought and believed was wrong because the Doctor knows so much. How much does the Doctor know, exactly??

Anyways Doctor Who episode three was: scary, wtf, how?, why?, what?, scary, wait...., wth, DON'T DIE

So death count this episode: at least 3, not counting the already dead bodies that exploded at the end. 

  • "Sorry I told you to shut up."
  • "Who's your friend?"  "Charles Dickens."  "Okay."
  • "First you drug me and then you kidnap me. And don't think I didn't feel your hands having a quick wandering, you dirty old man!" -Doctor just smiles harder-
  • I don't understand this joke about it being Cardiff...
  • HOLDING OF HANDS "I'm so glad I met you"...YOU GUYYYSSSSSSS

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