Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Doctor Who #9 S01E02: End of the World

It's only the second episode and we get to witness the end of the world. It wasn't the earth exploding that was quite dramatic though.

Episode two picks up straight after the end of the first episode. Rose had just left her life to see what it'd be like with the Doctor. If I had the option whether to go forwards or backwards in time, I'd go back first. I don't know why. It probably doesn't matter if you can do both in one day when you're with the Doctor.

So we confirm that the Doctor is an alien who owns a time and space travelling box right off the bat. Rose is so excited to go on this adventure with him and decides to go forward in time. She first says 100 years but that seems to be a cakewalk for the Doctor so he propels them 5 billion years into the future when the Earth was officially going to end. I have to say, if I had spent a long time on my own traversing the planes of space and time, I wouldn't take my latest friend to witness the destruction of their home planet. It's more depressing than impressing.

So this whole galactic meeting for the richest aliens to witness the death of Earth. It was so weird. Watching a joyous and momentous occasion for such a horrible event. And the last human on earth is just a stretch of skin. It was disgusting. 5 Billion years into the future and the ideal image of beauty is flawless flat expanse of skin. It just goes to show and comment on the ludicrous ideas of beauty and perfection in society and what silly extremes people go through to achieve it.

I loved the idea that tree's evolved into sentient, moving beings and eventually a huge race. As soon as Jabe figured out who the Doctor was, I immediately thought "SHE'S GOING TO DIEEEEEE". And lo and behold, she catches on fire. But she was soooo likableeeeee. She also served as a convenient plot mover as she revealed to a noob like me that the Doctor came from a race of Time Lords and that he was the last of his kind. This still doesn't tell me what exactly his purpose in the universe is or what his motivations are.

We also slightly address Rose's rash decision to go with the Doctor. As she's surrounded by these aliens, she finds herself mostly estranged from the other beings and can only connect with a slave/servant-like humanoid. As she explains who she is, realises she left behind everything she was for a stranger on a whim. The weight of her actions finally hit her and she becomes irritated at the aliens, especially that skin thing. She becomes depressed and, as sweet as it was for the Doctor to adjust her phone to call her mum in the past, nothing helps. Especially the almost dying from direct sun exposure or when she got knocked out by hoodie boys. When the Doctor explains the defeat and destruction the war had on his planet and how he's the last remaining of his kind, it comforts Rose that she's empathised with, especially since she's back in London and her own time. But still, there's a lot to emotional addressing that needs to be done. She needs to deal with this and I hope it happens soon.

Oh and guess who fell for the red herring about the hood guys being the villains? I totally did not expect skin girl to be the one who wanted to sabotage the ship.

The Doctor showed a different side as he didn't show mercy to skin girl. I don't know if it's justice or revenge. Rose seemed moral enough to want to help even though she went off at her earlier. INTERESTING

I wonder if there's going to be a major conflict or plot that is evident throughout the series or whether they're stand alone episodes. Anyways, I'm like what I've seen so far. Still don't know jack though...

  • "He's blue." "Yeah" "...alright..."
  • "I'm just going to go and talk to Michael Jackson over there"
  • At least three people died this episode. I did not expect so many people to die already by the second episode. 

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